Holiday Tips For Travelers

Holiday Tips For Travelers

Don’t leave Lock up the house, check all water outlets and electric sockets Test your burglar alarm and service it if necessary Cancel milk and paper delivery and ask your neighbor to keep an eye in your home Confirm any provisions made for your pets whilst you are...
Safety When Away From Home

Safety When Away From Home

Do not leave notes on the door, underneath the carpet, or in the post box to indicate that you are away. Do not leave hidden keys. Leave your house key with a trusted neighbour or the keyholder so that access can be gained in an emergency. Do not leave only the...
Safety When At Home

Safety When At Home

Always lock perimeter doors and close windows that are far away from where the family activity is centered. At night always lock perimeter doors and securely fasten windows. When retiring to bed, lock inter-leading doors of those rooms that are not occupied. Do not...
What To Do If  Confronted By An Intruder

What To Do If Confronted By An Intruder

Try to escape, if possible. If you cannot escape, try to lock yourself in a secure room and lock the door. Remain calm. Co-operate with the intruder. Be observant and take particular notice of any voice, dress, or behavioral traits. Only shout for help or scream to...
Examples Of A Suspicious Vehicle or Person

Examples Of A Suspicious Vehicle or Person

Vehicles You are driving away from your home; a new vehicle follows you for thirty minutes staying in the same lane as you, taking the same turn-offs as you.  The most important fact to remember while driving a motor vehicle is to be alert at all times.  This is why...